A subject I enyoyed studying this semester

My favorite subject this semester is Reporteo Avanzado, it's the thrird subject from literary's subjects.
In this subject we learn about writing in the correct form and how to be with the people. In the class we read interviews and talk about it. Also we go to report in the street and we make news bulletins at the moment.
I like this subject because I love talk wih the people, I like know them and make histories about it. I really like make interviews, because I like writing with time and, also, because I'm meeting famous people :). I like the investigation from behind the interviews, articles and columns (before I told you, I'm want to be Emilio Sutherland) By the way I love read interviews, my favorite magazine is Paula from La Tercera. I hope someday work in there.
I don't know if I'm going to dedicated to this but, at the moment, is the most I like.


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