my favorite festivity

I celebrate Christmas because I have an evangelic family. However, when I was a child, my family gave me gifts and I never knew the real meaning of this festivity. Maybe they gave me things because I was a little girl. But when I grew up my family explained to me and now I know everything about it.
Christmas is the most important festivity for christian people. It's celebrated on December 25th from every year, but in other churches (orthodox churches) it is celebrated on January 7th. And they commemorate Jesus's birthday in Belén
The beginning to this festivity is complicated, because we don't know the exact date when Jesús was born, but December 25th is a rough date.
I like it because it's the first time in the year when my whole family is gathered. My grandmother, my grandfather, my parents, my uncles and my little brother. They are my whole family because the other part lives in USA.
We eat in my home from Colbún and talk about memories, we say beautiful and grateful things to each other. Also we laugh about family's jokes and listen to evangelic music.
We don't give gifts anymore, we prefer to celebrate the real meaning. And I love that because I can enjoy my family without the materialistic feeling.


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